Tuesday, February 5, 2013

The Metamorphosis vs Beauty and the Beast

After reading The Metamorphosis, I honestly had no idea what I was going to do my blog post on. After thinking about it in the shower (where I get most of my thinking done…) about other possible works that involved a character being viewed differently at different points throughout the plot, I realized that I found some interesting similarities between Gregor Samsa and the Beast from Disney’s animated film “Beauty and the Beast”. Gregor and the Beast were both once important to the people around them, but unfortunate transformations have led them to be regarded with disgust.

http://images4.fanpop.com/image/photos/24400000/Disney-Beauty-And-The-Beast-disney-classics-24452770-640-456.jpgTo refresh your memory if you haven’t watched “Beauty and the Beast” in a while (or at all), the Beast wasn’t always a beast. He’s actually a prince who cruelly refused to give shelter to an enchantress when she was disguised as an ugly beggar simply because of her unattractive appearance. This revealed how shallow and evil his heart was, so the enchantress cursed him by transforming him into a hideous beast. The Beast hid in his castle because of his appearance, and the only way for the curse to be broken was if the Beast loved someone and received their love in return. I personally don’t understand how the prince’s kingdom neglected to realize that their prince had gone into hiding for a few years, but I digress.

http://images4.fanpop.com/image/photos/18700000/Belle-disney-females-18717191-941-515.jpgThe Beast successfully hides in his castle for a few years, but near the end of the film his appearance gets revealed to the town by Belle. Oh yes, Belle is the girl that he falls in love with and she also falls in love with him but the details aren’t important to this blog post. Anyways, when the people of the town see his terrifying face, everyone becomes blinded by their fear and then they all freak out and go to the Beast’s castle to kill him. The important part of this event is that the townsfolk assume that the Beast is dangerous simply because he has a scary appearance. Hmm…sound familiar?

Now let’s focus on The Metamorphosis for a little bit and compare it to “Beauty and the Beast”. Gregor Samsa is an important person in his family and the immense panic that he feels when he realizes that he’s late for work suggests that the money he makes from his job as a salesman goes towards supporting his family. This suspicion is confirmed on page two of the story when Gregor mentions his parents’ debt, which he is working to pay off. The family’s income was coming from Gregor, but once he became unable to work, they had to find another family member to provide the income. Gregor’s importance to his family parallel’s the prince’s importance to his kingdom—they can both be considered to be successful figures, although they are successful in different ways. 

Unfortunately, both the prince and Gregor plummet from their success when they undergo transformations that turn them into unattractive “creatures.” Once these transformations occur, they are no longer viewed as important people. Instead, they are shunned because of their appearance and the people around them start treating them very differently. Gregor’s father, who once cared about him, develops feelings of disdain towards Gregor and even hurls a bunch of apples at Gregor in order to intentionally harm him. Gregor’s sister, Grete, was very close to him when he was still in his human form. However, she becomes completely repulsed at his new appearance and is terrified whenever she sees him. Even though Gregor’s family knows that he’s still the same person on the inside, they’re so frightened by his bug-like appearance that they are unable to look past his exterior. Gregor’s situation is similar to that of the Beast—the townsfolk in “Beauty and the Beast” are unable to look past his exterior appearance. If they knew that the Beast was actually the prince, would they still be scared out of their minds? Probably, because the Beast is terrifying compared to the other cute Disney characters that appear in the film. Both Gregor and the Beast have changed so drastically that the people around them—and in Gregor’s case, the people who are closest to him—are refusing to be associated with them.


  1. I think the connection you present is quite novel, I didn't see it. However, I think that the story is far more about the psychological metamorphosis that Gregor's family undergo. From the caring parents (especially the sister) to not even caring about his death in the end.

  2. I like this comparison, one because Beauty and the Beast is my favorite movie, and two it is an interesting comparison you make. I think they are similar- they definitely have opposing details, but the overarching theme is true. Also what could be seen as interesting is that even when the characters go through a similar transformation, their surroundings are what make the difference.
    The Beast has his servants (who have also been transformed), Belle, and the village people. His servants are terrified of him and just kind of deal with him. The village people take one look at him and take impulsive action without even trying to give him a chance. Belle at first is scared, but then she learns to give him a chance- and for once the Beast has faith put into him. Her love and grace to him transforms him back into the man he was, internally and externally.
    Gregor is still a man on the inside, its just his exterior that has changed. The people around him are his family. They do not try to help him or sacrifice for him. they see him as an immediate interference and would rather get rid of him then put some faith in their own son and brother. Thus, by their actions towards him Gregor gets worse and looses heart until he eventually dies.
    This may show how the surroundings are sometime just as important if not more than what is on the inside of the person. The Beast had someone who believed in him, who gave him a fighting chance and was not going to give up. Gregor had a family who tossed him aside once he became a nuisance.

  3. I think that the most fundamental difference between the beast and Gregor is their personalities before their metamorphosis. Gregor seems to be such a hard working, dedicated, family man, whereas the beast was very vain and selfish. The Beast likely was given too much attention when he was the prince, whereas I believe Gregor did not receive enough. Despite these differences, both characters ultimately end up in the same predicament: they are completely isolated and seen as disgusting by their peers.

  4. This connection is quite interesting to me, I agree with you in that the Beast and Gregor are the same because they have a transformed, but the transformation is pretty much the only thing they have in common. Gregor, on one hand, does not really freak out when he finds out that he has transformed into a roach, while the Beast, on the other hand, freaks out and shuns himself from the outside world and grows bitter. Great blog overall though, it made me think about what kinds of stories the creator of Beauty and the Beast has seen or read that made him/her come up with this kind of story.

  5. I love this connection, mainly because finding a spark of Disney happiness in anything this dark is a miracle. But I also believe there is a fundamental difference between Gregor's ending and Prince Adam/The Beast's happy ending. I believe Gregor had already given up on his connection with his family before his metamorphosis, as evidenced in the fact that he di not realizehis father still had some money put away. Gregor had already changed on the inside and diconnected from human life and emotion. Beast, on the other hand, was truly affected by his change. His shame and revulsion at his new haggard form revives his human nature on the inside. Gregor did not make the effort to maintain his human identity, but the Beast did, once he realized he could change for Belle. "Then somebody bends, unexpectedly..."

  6. Beauty and the Beast is my absolute fave! So yes, being the beast like creature is definitely hard to overcome, but Belle saw past it! Why can't Gregor's family see that as well?! It's so lame, but it is hard to look past it. Looks are definitely deceiving, but getting to know a person/creature for what they are worth and who they are can change a story dramatically. Anyway, your reference makes sense. Love the connection! :)

  7. In The Meatamorphasis Gregor's family believed that the creature was Gregor or at least his sister believe it was him initially, whereas in Beauty And The Beast, the town folk and Bella saw a monster. There is definitively a connection between the two pieces, its just that I see a stronger difference. Bella gives the Beast a chance because he wasn't the ferocious monster that the towns people thought he was whereas Gregor's sister sympathised the insect because she thought it was Gregor and it was. Correct me if im wrong though. I havent seen Beauty and the Beast in a long time.
