Friday, February 8, 2013

On Monsters and Humans: The Metamorphosis

Have you ever wondered what type of bug Gregor is? After all, it wasn’t explicitly stated in the novel. Many speculate that he is a huge cockroach. Others suspect that he is in fact a large beetle. Professional entomologist Nabokov Vladimir, a man enamored with Kafka’s story, has even done a detailed analysis about the text and has concluded that Gregor is most likely a beetle (You can check out his lecture here). The important thing to realize is that somehow Gregor Samsa had transformed, as stated in the very first sentence of the entire novel: “As Gregor Samsa awoke one morning from uneasy dreams he found himself transformed in his bed into a gigantic insect” (Kafka 1). We don’t know why and we don’t know how, but right away we discover that Gregor Samsa is a huge insect in appearance. Mentally, however, we see his human conscience remains as his first concern was that he was late for his work. His grotesque appearance too disturbing for them to handle, Gregor’s family isolate and hide him away. They assume that he cannot understand them and carry on treating him like a monster, even afraid to be in his presence for longer than a few minutes. Gregor has, in fact, somewhat become the Incredible Hulk.

What an absurd statement! But let me explain. 
For those of you who don’t know about the Hulk, I'll summarize based on the two Marvel movies he was featured in: The Incredible Hulk and The Avengers. The Hulk is actually Bruce Banner, a modest human physicist who was experimenting with gamma radiation. After an incident exposing him to the very same radiation, Banner now transforms  involuntarily into ”an enormous green rage monster”, as Tony Stark puts it. As this Hulk, Banner has no control over his temper and incredible strength. He basically likes to smash things, causing fear and panic everywhere he goes. For this he is often perceived as a threatening monster because of his looks and deranged behavior, and he moves to Calcutta to isolate himself.

"It's not easy being green."

That’s basically Gregor. It’s a struggle for both "monsters" to hold onto humanity as they deal with the change in their lives.  Like when Bruce Banner loses his human conscious when becoming the Hulk, Gregor also begins to lose sight of his humanity, becoming more and more like a bug the longer he remains one. He doesn't lose sight of it completely, however. Back to Nabokov Vladmir’s thoughts on The Metamorphosis and Gregor’s beginning transformation, he writes, “In the original German there is a wonderful flowing rhythm here in this dreamy sequence of sentences. He his half-awake—he realizes his plight without surprise, with a childish acceptance of it, and at the same time he still clings to human memories, human experience. The metamorphosis is not quite complete as yet.” It's true; the metamorphosis isn't complete because both men retain their humanity despite their appearances. Banner isn’t the Hulk forever; it is his subconscious that restrains the Hulk’s full power, and he is capable of changing back into a human. Although Gregor doesn’t have that same luxury of turning human again, he desperately clings onto his humanity, represented physically in the text by the picture of the woman with the furs. He is a human on the inside who is solely concerned about the fate of his family, and he remains a human until his bitter death.

"On hearing those words from his mother Gregor realized that the lack of all direct human speech for the past two months together with the monotony of family life must have confused his mind, otherwise he could not account for the fact that he had quite earnestly looked forward to having his room emptied of furnishing. Did he really want his warm room, so comfortably fitted with old family furniture, to be turned into a naked den in which he would certainly be able to crawl unhampered in all directions but at the price of shedding simultaneously all recollection of his human background?" –Kafka, The Metamorphosis. Here we see Gregor come to terms with the fact that he still wants to be and is still human.
Back to the first question: Why don’t we find out what type of bug Gregor is? It is because it’s not important to know what type of bug he is on the outside but rather what type of human he is on the inside. Gregor Samsa is the Hulk, a raging, terrifying monster who seems focused on destruction, but inside there is a human Bruce Banner that controls the "monster" that he supposedly is. It is not the outward appearance that proves a person is human but rather the human qualities that they still express, which is what Gregor’s family fails to notice. For Banner, he was feared and hated for being a monster, and so he thought of an end.

 "In case you needed to kill me, but you can't! I know! I tried!... I got low. I didn't see an end, so I put a bullet in my mouth... and the other guy spit it out! 
Banner would choose to die as a human instead of unleashing the monster to the world, which is what Gregor chose to do. As Gregor clung desperately to the picture on the wall, he realized just how much he wanted to be human, and when he discovers in end that there was no point in his existence any longer, he laid on the floor and died a human instead of accepting the fate of a monster, his final act of concern for his family.
It is sad to think that Gregor's family never realized his sacrifice for them and still think of him as a monster, but it is even sadder that Gregor never realized the larger role he played in his family's lives in being human, which is the opposite from the Hulk, who was able to escape the monster status and be revered as a hero. As Nabokov Vladimir had said, “Gregor the beetle never found out that he had wings under the hard covering of his back. This is a very nice observation on my part to be treasured all your lives. Some Gregors, some Joes and Janes, do not know that they have wings.”

Songs in the key of green #tumblrgram #doodle 

Drawings by Chris G. Check out his work!


  1. Great connection between the Hulk and Gregor. I never would have thought that the two had anything in common. I agree with you that both the Hulk and Gregor hate becoming the monsters they become, but that both characters still retain their humanity despite their outward inhuman appearances. I also enjoyed the contrast you made between the two characters. The Hulk is praised and almost loved for his monstrous change while Gregor is hated for it. You might even say that both characters have people who are very dependent on their different forms. The Avengers depend on the Banner's Hulk form and Gregor's family depends on his human form. One could say that Gregor's metamorphosis lets his family down, while the Hulk's lifts his friends up.

  2. This is an awesome blog post! Both the Hulk and Gregor undergo a forced change that they both resent, though Gregor does not openly acknowledge this at first. I think that a large part of what makes the Hulk and Gregor resent their new forms is peer perception. Once the Hulk started being seen as this uncontrollable monster by society and once Gregor was seen as grotesque by his family, they both seemed to resent life more and more until for Gregor, he finally dies and escapes his misery. Its interesting because the word metamorphosis often reminds us of a catepillar changing into a butterfly, which is such a beautiful process, yet Gregors metamorphosis was not beautiful in the slightest.

  3. I like how you argue the comparison with the Hulk because I'm familiar with the Hulk and with Gregor and at first did not see how they were similar. Honestly, though, I think you could have made a better comparison if you talked more about Bruce Banner because the Hulk and Banner aren't the same person in half my opinion (although they are the same person in the other half of my opinion), although they reside in the same body. I don't know if I agree that Gregor becomes more bug-like because he mentally seems quite human until the end, and he still retains his humanity/love/compassion for humans/reasonableness/emotions/ whatever that means. It is actually Gregor's sister and dad who become more animal. The same thing is true for Bruce, I would say, because the Hulk is like a separate creature from Bruce who takes over Bruce's body when he activates his nerd rage, although Bruce still retains his humanity because Bruce is still Bruce, not the Hulk. Also, I think Bruce cannot at times restrain the Hulk's "full power" when the Hulk gets really mad like WW Hulk. Actually, it is sometimes like the Hulk restrains the nerd's "full power." It is also interesting to wonder if someone is human because he thinks he is human or if he is human if society sees him as human. "Banner would choose to die as a human instead of unleashing the monster to the world, which is what Gregor chose to do." cool sentence. You wrote in a way that I thought you were saying one thing, then you say another thing later, but I'll post my message anyway even though you kind of end up saying the same things as me by the end of your blog. It is so sad it is not even hilarious when Gregor dies. His good intentions are unrecognized, and he ends up slowly but surely dying in a rotting heap of garbage, which he could have eaten but didn't. Actually, it is funny that he didn't just fly out of his house and then around the world becasue flying would rock.

  4. This is a fantastic connection (plus Bruce Banner in The Avengers was my favorite). One of the major differences, though, between the Hulk and Gregor is that Bruce/the Hulk manages to control his anger -or at least control his change, because in order to conrol his change, he's always angry. Gregor doesn't attempt to communicate, just gives up after he is no longer human. But I suppose that is why Hulk is the hero and Gregor just dies. Maintaining a reason to keep living and keep control of your identity elevates Bruce's need to survive, where as Gregor is no longer needed, and seems like it has been this way for a while.

  5. I really enjoyed this read and your comparison of Gregor Samsa to the Hulk! It is unfortunate that Gregor, unlike the Hulk, is never given the opportunity to transform back into a human. However, his rejection from his family and those dear to him was the most unfortunate thing out of all the occurrences in the book. After he dedicates his whole life basically providing financial stability and care for his family, his family completely turns their back on him, and ignores Gregor's existence. It's a shame how people are able to quickly drop you once you are no longer considered a resource for them to acquire something that they need or want. It makes me wonder if unconditional love truly exists or if it is just a myth.

  6. Hey Dani,

    Brilliant connection between the awesome green rage monster and Gregor and how they clung to their humanity as tightly as they could. :) I agree that, unlike the Hulk, Gregor did not have anyone to turn to. The one thing that frustrates me, though, about The Metamorphosis is that not only did his family give up on him, but Gregor gave up on himself as well. Like that quote you put, Gregor didn't know that he had "wings."
    Sigh... so sad.
    But, great post! :)

  7. The themes do go hand in hand. Since they are both monsters, I think they hold onto their humanistic characteristics and actions as much as they can because their humanity is all they have left of their original lives. Holding onto their humanity is the last of their remaining existent because as a monster, you are perceived as a totally different creature and you are judged differently. People say "don't judge a book by it's cover", but it'd hard to get pass that phase. Anyway, it is unfortunate how the results turn out when both the characters are in monster form, but life is life.

  8. I really like the connection you made. The Hulk and Gregor really lose their human side when they transform. The Hulk is able to control his emotions and return to human form though (when he confronts his "girlfriend" in The Incredible Hulk)whereas Gregor completely loses is human side and decides to just give up.
